[ a lot of the text on this web is in Estonian ]

Peeter Marvet
a.k.a. Pets
Goodwin \ prepress
Sulo Kallas
Goodwin \ expert by nature
Peeter is a freelance computer journalist (see Tehnokratt), part-time consultant, freelance PostScriptTM interpreter, digital prepress evangelist -- and as a full-time job, quality manager for a printhouse named Uniprint. Sulo is a freelance programmer,
consultant, expert in personal
computer technology and
home entertainment,
but above all,
a diehard audiophile.


Well, to be honest, Goodwin is more like a myth than a business. We have been part of the pre-internet BBS and e-mail projects nobody else on that time thought of -- inlcluding providing internet e-mail free of charge for users, ranging from Tallinn to St. Peterburg and Vilnius (thanks to modems and technologies better than those UUCP-people used -- well, and as well thanks to Estonian Institute and our friends at APC network).

We do not work for money or fame -- but we like having Goodwin's name known as a trademark for knowledge and user-friendliness.