"I" The topic of the exhibition is (self-)portrait. Portraits are usually taken as descriptions emphasizing individual peculiarity, thus helping to distinguish the selected one from all the others. This time, the portrait serves as a storytelling medium. Stories are made up from cause and effect - a change. The selves of the storytellers are going through different states of mind. Participating artists are Reio Aare, Riikka Tauriainen, Anu Vahtra and Ivar Veermäe. Curated by Margot Kask. |
KOHATUD (Dislocated) is an exhibition by seven artists-- Reio Aare, Margot Kask, Laura Kuusk, Marge Monko, Tanja Muravskaja, Krista Mölder and Anu Vahtra. The heading of the exhibition (hardly translatable to English in one word) has a triple meaning of encounter, dislocation and incongruity. It expresses the adaptation mechanisms of the image to a certain cultural space, the pictural expression of human relations, meetings and alienation. But also the relations of the viewer and the image. The pictures' space includes the limits/frames of the picture. It relates the picture to the space of non-picture, the subjective experience of inner and outer space. From this border area the questions arise- what is the pictural space and what is beyond it? The viewer relates to the image, the image relates to the space(s) etc. and mental patterns are created from those relations shaping the landscapes of the mind. Those landscapes cannot be spotted in the physical reality, they shape the unlocated mindscapes. |
02.08.-20.08.2006 Kohatud I in Tartu Art House |
21.11.-08.12.2006 Kohatud II in VAAL Gallery, Tallinn |