Empiirium -- Peeter Marveti kodulehe päis. Aga mis on empiirium?


[ Uniprint ]

[ Komala ] [ Monitorid ] [ Skannerid ] [ Testimised ] [ Acrobat ]


RESUME for my web

As the main target of my web happens to live in Estonia and speak Estonian language -- and I really like to promote local www-culture -- all the contents are in Estonian. But for those of you who visit www.goodwin.ee and do not happen to understand Estonian I have some words also in English.

Who am I?

Well, freelance computer journalist might be the closest bet, but as well could be freelance PostScript interpreter, or just consultant, or self-educated digital prepress expert. Goodwin as a company belongs to me and Sulo Kallas (who does programming, consulting, happens to be a respected computer guru etc), but my main job is quality manager for Uniprint printhouse.

I write for Äripäev (a business-newspaper), Arvutimaailm (a computer magazine) and occasionally some other publications. I co-host a radio program called Võrgutaja on Raadio2 (which has usually also a companion www-page, see link on the left bar).


Well, take Europe, up and right a bit. For more information, try following links:

What can be found on this web?

Uniprint -- well, as stated above, that's a printhouse I happen to work for.

PrintMedia -- a seminar on printing and prepress I happen to be organizing (do you think you / your company might have something interesting to say on this subject? well, next PrintMedia wil be 23-25.10.1997, list of topics still open for suggestions).

RCFoC -- locally excerpted and translated sections from "The Rapidly Changing Face of Computing" by Jeffrey R. Harrow. See http://www.digital.com/info/rcfoc/ for original in English.

Komala -- a slowly developing set of my articles on must-know issues for average user.

Monitorid -- my page on monitors (how to find a good monitor for your eyes).

Skannerid -- my page on scanners.

Testimised -- about things I have happened to test.

Võrgutaja -- home page for Raadio2 radio program


(c) 1996, 97, 98 Peeter Marvet ja Goodwin. All Rights Reserved. Viimased uuendused 27-05-1997 21:47.
Kõik siin web' is leiduvad failid on meie teada vabaks levitamiseks lubatud või on meil asjakohane luba; kõikide tekstis mainitud kaubamärkide kuulumist nende omanikele tunnistame. All mentioned brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.
Kasutajatel lubatud siin web'is leiduvast teha 1 (üks) väljatrükk isiklikuks tarbeks; muudel puhkudel (kasutamine koolituseks jms) küsib viisakas inimene kirjalikku luba Peeter Marvet'ilt (